May 15, 2023Liked by Benny Benford

Great article Benny! and couldn't agree more.

So many trends we're seeing in B2B now are focused on the speed at which technology can be deployed - and we're not seeing any signs of this slowing down.

My challenge is how to justify the training need. How do you create milestones that demonstrate impact to a board - when training, well, takes time? What stages did you put in place to help the client through this transition?

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May 11, 2023Liked by Benny Benford

Benny, this post resonates with me. I've seen so many organizations where new technology and data tools are implemented, training is roped off to 10% of the employees, if that, and no one gets any lasting value out of them beyond a few surface-level features. The solution most companies pursue? Buy more near-duplicate products. Repeat. Hope for better results! (Shocker: it doesn't work.)

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