I've sat in business meetings listening to detailed data strategies, supportive audience, no questions until presenters leave and people look at each other asking what the ... was that?

I've also sat on the data side trying to figure out how to connect to the business strategy and questioning whether we even had one.

Frustrated with the word strategy itself, I sorted out distinguishing WHAT you want to do vs the HOW. The WHAT or objective is to win the chess game. The HOW or strategy is to take control of the middle. But it is recursive. The strategy "take the middle" becomes an objective that could be delegated. One of the strategies to take the middle is queens gambit.

My recommendation (seriously:) is edunrau's seldom read decision architecture substack:) But you don't have to read that. I will summarize my version of data strategy against your criteria in a future article.

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Thanks for your interest Benny. The article on The 3DM6 Approach Overview describes four components that I think should be the first layer of a Data Strategy. 1) How to define business objectives 2) What to include in early data analysis 3) How to analyze impactful decisions 4) How to organize solutions. Follow up articles provide more detail on each of those components. There is also a table of contents.

Like I said on LinkedIn, I do plan to do an article that addresses the connection between the 3DM6 Approach and Data Strategy using your filters.

There is also a Table of Contents that organizes links to the articles as if they were a book.

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Very interesting! I'm curious to know more about the step 3 in your summary - "Running a data transformation programme". Is it about keeping the organisation in the loop on the progress? Isn't this already covered by the first 2 steps?

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Zivile, great question. The programme can feel like a management overhead and is essentially focusing on:

- coordination

- securing and maintaining budget and buy in from your sponsor

- building and maintaining a steering group to support you in the other two areas

Does that make sense? I'm going to do a deeper dive article on each one.

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